The History Of Poker Games: Its Beginning To Became A Gambling Event

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sejarah permainan poker
sejarah permainan poker

Poker turns out to be a card game that has many interesting facts. The History Of Poker Games has been famous since the 19th century. It has grown and has many fans from the general public. As a fun game. Increasingly here, human creativity makes it a place to bet. Or we are familiar with the term gambling.

Does anyone know the facts about the history of poker games and the various facts about this type of card game?

Poker is one type of gambling game that is still very popular today. Basically, this poker game is a card gambling game where the winner is the player who has the best combination of cards according to the prevailing Poker Games rules.

Many people only know that this poker games is illegal and has a negative impact on the people involved in this game. This is not wrong!, But there are also interesting facts from this one gambling game. One of them is in terms of history.

History Of Poker Games

History Of Poker Games

The History Of Poker Games turns out to have a long history that few people know about. This gambling was first developed in the early 19th century, precisely in the United States. 

Since the first launch, this game immediately stole the attention. Not long after, it immediately became one of the popular games and spread throughout the world.

In the book by Hoyle and RF Foster, edition of Foster’s Complete published in 1937. Poker games is an adaptation of a Persian card game called As-Nas. 

However, the ideas of these two well-known writers have received a lot of opposition from historians. One historian who opposes the ideas of Hoyle and RF Foster is David Parlett. 

According to information from wikipedia, 1970 was one of the heyday of the History Of Poker Games. The game became much more popular in many American casinos after the first World Series of Poker that year.

It doesn’t just stop there, as recorded in the history of poker games, the popularity of this game has skyrocketed. Especially after many television programs that raised this poker game. Poker’s popularity has also increased throughout the millennium.  

Poker Gambling Game Variations

History Of Poker Games

Broadly speaking, this poker gambling game has 2 different categories. The 2 different categories are:

Low Hand

Low Hand This is a variation of the poker games in which the winner is the holder of the card combination with the lowest ranking in the Poker Games rules.

High Hand

The term High Hand is the opposite of the Previous Low Hand variation. High Hand is a variation of the game of Poker Games in which the winner is the holder of the card combination with the highest ranking in the poker rules.

But along with the development of poker games, there have been many variations of this family of games such as straight, stud and draw poker. Although there are many variations, generally poker games use the same ranking rules as game guidelines.

This game is so interesting that even well-known producers have chosen it as a theme for box office films, dramas and even anime films.

Also read: Kakegurui, Gambling-themed Anime with an Unusual Plot

Poker Gambling Legality in Indonesia

History Of Poker Games

Regarding legality, each jurisdiction or country has its own rules regarding gambling, including for this Poker Games gambling game. For Indonesia, it is clear that any kind of gambling is illegal and against the law. Anyone who organizes, disseminates or participates in gambling will be threatened with quite severe legal consequences.

The articles that confirm the status of this gambling are as follows:

Book of the Criminal Code Article 303 paragraph 1

Threatened with a maximum imprisonment of ten years or a maximum fine of twenty five million rupiah, whoever without obtaining permission:

  1. Deliberately offering or providing an opportunity for gambling games and making it a quest, or knowingly participating in a company for it.
  2. Deliberately offering or giving an opportunity to the general public to play gambling or intentionally participating in a company for it, regardless of whether to take advantage of the opportunity there are conditions or the fulfillment of a procedure.
  3. Make participating in gambling games a quest.

Book of the Criminal Code Article 303 Bis paragraph 1

Threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 4 (four) years or a maximum fine of ten million rupiah:

  1. Whoever uses the opportunity to play gambling, which is carried out in violation of article 303 regulations.
  2. Whoever participates in a gambling game which is held on a public road or on its side or in a place that can be entered by the general public, unless to do so, there is permission from the competent authority.

Also read: The Controversial Legal History of Gambling in Indonesia

Poker Gambling Legalization in Several Countries

History Of Poker Games

For Indonesia, gambling is indeed an illegal thing and violates the law. However, several other countries have taken the option to come to terms with the prevalence of gambling. 

Of course, the legalization of gambling must give reciprocity to the government. Most countries that legalize gambling activities make gambling a revenue-generating sector for the state. 

Some countries such as Singapore, Italy, the Philippines and Spain have chosen to legalize gambling (including Poker Games gambling).

Many believe that gambling can also be an asset that attracts many tourists to visit the country, especially the upper middle class tourists.  

History Of Poker Games

This is the same as what happened with the city of Las Vegas, a city located in the Nevada desert has become a gambling tour that is always crowded every year. 

The income from the gambling sector itself is actually very large. For example, according to a review from the news.ddtc page, the Philippines generates 5.13 billion pesos from taxes on online gambling companies operating under the control of the state-owned casino company, PAGCOR. 

This income does not include taxes from private casinos operating in the country.

What Happens If Poker Games Gambling Is Legalized in Indonesia?

History Of Poker Games

Some time ago, Arief Poyuono, the deputy chairman of Gerindra, issued a surprising proposal regarding the legalization of casino and lottery gambling . This proposal received a lot of criticism from various parties, especially netizens. But do you know what might happen if Indonesia took steps to legalize gambling?

Regarding the legalization of gambling itself, there are quite a number of reviews that mention the advantages and disadvantages of this decision to legalize gambling. One of these reviews comes from the site page. According to the review from this page, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to legalizing a country’s gambling.

Gambling Legalization Advantages 

  • Increase in state revenue (legalizing gambling can provide additional revenue for the state. The government can generate revenue annually from the gambling sector through tax collection)
  • Reducing illegal gambling activities (legalizing gambling can also indirectly eradicate illegal gambling. With the existence of legal gambling, gambling lovers will be more likely to choose legal gambling over illegal ones. On the other hand, the government can also take action against gambling that does not have legal rights). official permission.)
  • Attracting tourists (many other countries make gambling as a tourist attraction that brings visitors. For example, we can see the city of Las Vegas which is always busy with tourist visits every year. Gambling legalization can also lead Indonesia to that stage)

Gambling Legal Disadvantages

  • Addiction (gambling is a destructive and addictive behavior that can trigger addiction in players. Legalizing gambling is the same as being ready to accept the increasing number of gambling addictions)
  • Increased crime (studies prove that countries that legalize gambling also have a high crime rate every year. Gambling itself is very connected to the world or criminal organizations).
  • Suffering small businesses and businesses (gambling businesses such as casinos usually also cover other areas such as lodging, restaurants and others. This indirectly creates unfair competition with other small businesses or businesses).
  • The legalization of gambling can also lead to a number of protests from a number of organizations, especially faith-based organizations. This is very reasonable considering that Indonesia is a country where the majority of the population is Muslim.

Underground Gambling

History Of Poker Games

If you’ve ever watched a movie about gambling, you’ve probably heard the term underground poker. This underground poker has little to do with the phenomenon of legalizing gambling in several countries.

The legalization of gambling in several countries has also resulted in the enactment of regulations that regulate the operation of this business. One of them is licensing.

Underground poker refers to poker gambling that is not licensed by the government. Some jurisdictions state that this type of underground gambling, including underground poker, is illegal. However, there are also some jurisdictions that state that underground poker remains legal as long as the player is in the building or residence.

One of the countries that declares underground poker as illegal gambling is Canada. In this country which is divided into 10 provinces, there are laws that define the legal consequences of holding poker gambling without a license.

The legal consequences by the government are quite severe, namely in the form of a maximum prison sentence of 6 months and also a fine of $ 5,000.

Unlike Canada, the UK is somewhat more flexible about the legality of underground poker. The UK states that high stakes poker should only be available at casinos licensed by the government. This is stated in the Gambling Act 2005.

But that does not mean underground is an illegal act. According to the Gambling Act 2005, unlicensed poker gambling for personal use is still allowed, for example gambling at work or at home.

Even underground poker games can also occur over the internet, but there are certain limits to the game. For this section, we will review in more detail explaining this in the link below.

Poker Gambling Today Can Be Accessed Through The Internet

History Of Poker Games

Today poker gambling has grown tremendously. Not only can it happen at a number of casinos or clubs. Access to poker games today can be easily accessed via the internet or known as online poker. 

Online poker itself first appeared in the late 1990s and was a form of IRC Poker. While poker games that offer real money bets were first introduced in 1998 by Planet Poker.

Nowadays poker game services can be very easily affordable in Internet searches. Poker itself is one of the favorite types of online gambling games on many online gambling sites.

Online poker games are also available on the Google Play Store . Luckily, Google doesn’t allow Google Play Store gambling-based apps or games. So most of the poker games on the Playstore are just games for entertainment. 

How Legal is Online Poker Gambling?

History Of Poker Games

As we explained earlier, the game of poker has now entered the world of the internet. You can easily find online gambling sites that offer this game service. But what is the legal status of online gambling for Indonesia?

For online poker gambling services in Indonesia, you will not find it difficult to find them. Out there, there are many poker sites with real money bets.

Online, online poker remains illegal under Indonesian law. There is an ITE law article 27 paragraph 2 and Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law 19/2016 Article 45 paragraph 2 which regulates this matter.

Article 27 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law states that anyone who transmits or distributes (make accessible) electronic documents containing gambling can be punished with criminal penalties.

For criminal penalties for violating Article 27 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law, Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law 19/2016. In this article, the spreader of gambling documents (gambling sites or games) is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years and or a maximum fine of 1 billion rupiah.

Also read: The Controversial Legal History of Gambling in Indonesia

Computer Poker Players Development

History Of Poker Games

Regarding the history of poker games, there are actually some interesting facts that you may not know. One of the interesting facts is that in those few years, several researchers developed computer-based poker players.

Researchers from the University of Alberta, Carnegie Mellon University, and also the University of Auckland created a poker player bot called the Cepheus poker bot. This bot only has a losing percentage of 0.001 big blinds per game. In short, this bot is sure to keep winning. There was no way any player could beat him for using human-calculated statistics.

The discovery of this bot may be a means to practice skills in playing poker. However, skill alone is not enough, because it takes mentality for a player. The most likely way to sharpen a fighter’s mentality is to take part in a real competition.

Apart from these activities being considered as gambling, in fact, high flying hours are needed in a competition so that it can change the player’s psychology to be more powerful.

Negative Impact of Poker Gambling

History Of Poker Games

Like taking drugs, gambling games offer a sensation of satisfaction wrapped in risk. Gambling games can harm many aspects of a player’s life such as finances, quality of life to health.

According to Hidehiko Takahashi, a researcher from Kyoto University; gambling can lead to addiction that leads to mental health disorders.

This is based on an MRI examination of the gambler’s brain which shows changes in the brain. Precisely in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

History Of Poker Games

This makes gamblers more likely to make high-risk decisions. Although it will harm or harm their personal. Even gamblers can experience stress and potentially commit suicide attempts. 

In addition, gamblers have a very high risk for brain damage due to increased dopamine production.

The financial condition of people who like to gamble is generally worrying. Gamblers can usually spend a lot of money on these hobbies or pleasures. 

Religious Views About Online Poker Gambling

History Of Poker Games

In the view of many religions, gambling is a sin and strictly forbidden. For example, in Islamic teachings, gambling is categorized as a forbidden thing. It is found in several chapters and verses of the Holy Quran. One of them is Al-Maidah verse 90.

In Surah Al-Maidah verse 90, drinking alcohol (alcohol), gambling and also drawing lots of luck is an act of the devil. This verse also commands Muslims to stay away from such acts in order to get good luck.

History Of Poker Games

Christianity also prohibits its followers from gambling. There are several chapters in the Bible that explain it. Timothy 6:10 is one of them.

This chapter and verse mentions that the love of money is the root of finance. Hunting for money can also cause a person to deviate from his faith and torture himself.

So little information about the history of poker games that we can share. Hopefully this information can be useful and entertaining. Thank you.


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